The Chakras and your Health.

  • Dhyan Navjot Kaur
  • October 4, 2024
  • Health
  • #ClasesDeKundalliniYoga​


The Chakras. How do they relate to my health and well-being?  The word chakra in Sanskrit translates to “wheel of light”. There are  seven of these spinning energy centers located along the midline of the body. From bottom to top they are called: the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra.

Each chakra also influences the organs and endocrine glands which are located adjacent.  The Solar Plexus Chakra may affect the liver, stomach and pancreas. In addition, when a person has energy which is stagnant in this particular chakra they may have digestive issues and poor circulation in the upper abdomen.  For a person that visually observes energy bodies, the chakra may appear grey, and could be rotating the wrong way or circulating too slowly.

Each chakra centre vibrates and spins at different speeds, emitting  different colors. They are actually making their own electro-magnetic field. The seven chakras interact and together create the colors of the human aura. The dominant color comes from the chakra which is producing the most energy.  A person feeling a lot of love would likely have a green aura which is being emitted by the heart chakra.

Interestingly, chakras are thought to correspond to spiritual, emotional and psychological states of being. A person having difficulty in areas of communication, for example, may develop health issues in the throat.  Acupuncture or Acupressure along with Energy Healing techniques like Qi Gong or Quantum Healing can help people restore the proper flow of Energy (Chi or Prana). This can help remove core underlying conditions that are aggravating the physical, emotional or spiritual bodies.

An energy healer working on the chakras usually considers their color, their size and shape (symmetry)  , their rotation speed and direction and their overall intensity. These are the most important features to consider, when evaluating the health of the chakras and the corresponding bio-field.


Peter Farquharson. Practitioner of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist, Clinical Herbalist, and Medical Intuitive (Distant Healings).
