Discover the Amazing Health Benefits of Neem and Turmeric


King Herb Combination: Neem and Turmeric

In conventional herbalism, there exist unique pairs of herbs that operate synergistically to amplify their efficacy when combined. Turmeric and Neem represent one such combination.

Neem, or “arista” in Sanskrit, signifies ‘medicinal plant of prosperity’. With over 130 biologically active ingredients, neem is indeed a versatile and potent botanical ally. Its medicinal attributes encompass anti-bacterial (anti-viral, anti-fungal) and anti-inflammatory properties, in addition to functioning as a blood purifier and being advantageous for skin disorders. Neem also contributes to the eradication of cancerous cells ( From an energetic herbal viewpoint (Traditional Chinese Medicine), neem mitigates Liver Heat and purifies Liver Blood. Recent scientific investigations have revealed that neem possesses analgesic properties and appears to aid in stabilizing glucose metabolism (see An Overview of Neem and its Potential Impact on Health in Journal of Functional Foods, Vol. 74, 2020).

Turmeric, a perennial tropical plant belonging to the ginger family, is also an extraordinarily varied medicinal herb. One of the most scientifically examined herbs (rhizomes) globally, it is recognized for its ability to: enhance immunity, detoxify the liver, nurture the heart, strengthen the nervous system, soothe the mind, purify the skin, and improve the elasticity and robustness of joints and ligaments. Additionally, as a free radical scavenger, it effectively enhances immunity (Frawley, David, and Vasant Lad. The Yoga of Herbs. Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin; 2001. 149-150.).

Turmeric has an extensive history of application in Ayurvedic and Yogic medicine and is believed to purify the nadis, chakras, and subtle channels (Ibid.).

What Can Neem and Turmeric Achieve Together?

In addition to possessing the diverse therapeutic properties outlined above, neem and turmeric collectively hold a significant role in Ayurvedic and Siddha medicine. As a pair, they augment a crucial component of the body referred to as “Ojas.” Ojas in Sanskrit signifies vitality, energy, and brilliance. This is a unique internal energy enhancement that enriches physical health, meditation and spiritual development. Neem and Turmeric are believed to expand the cellular structure, making cells more amenable to energy absorption (

How to Consume Them?

Combine a marble-sized quantity of equal parts neem and turmeric powder with a small amount of water or honey. Keep in mind most people will  likely find mixing with honey makes the mixture more palatable. Consume this mixture first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, followed by a few sips of warm water.

Note: Do NOT take if pregnant or tying to conceive a child.

Author: Peter Farquharson, D.TCM, R. Ac., C.C.H.

The Ultimate Guide For The Lymphatic System


Lymph, like the blood, has always been a part of us. However we cannot see it and often unconsciously program  ourselves to undervalue its importance. Lymph is mysterious and underestimated; something we could not live without.


The lymphatic system is similar to the circulatory system except it does not have a heart to pump it through the body. Think of it as an extension of the circulatory system. The lymphatic system carries oxygen, nutrients, removes waste, and has immune and fluid balancing functions. If a microbe is detected within the lymph system it can alert an endocrine gland to signal the need for defense cells to be released.

The lymph relies on movement, adequate hydration of the body, proper breathing to stimulate lymphatic drainage and circulation. With poor lymph flow we get impairment of the lymph system, and stagnation. The waste mixture which it carries is supposed to be regularly flushed from the body. When it stagnates, the liquid waste may return to body tissues where it accumulates and causes inflammation and swelling. These toxic substances may combine with water, fats, salt, food colorings, fungal particles, and food preservatives/pesticides to further cause a toxic overload in the tissues. When you have swollen lymph nodes it’s called lymphedema.

Common signs of issues with lymph may include edema, dehydration, obesity, the formation of cellulite, and soreness in the neck/axilla/groin. Sources of toxins which accumulate in a sluggish lymphatic system may include pesticides and chemicals from clothes and cosmetics. Hormones from food and birth control pills and toxic substances from processed food and pharmaceutical drugs can also contribute to the toxic cocktail which accumulates in your lymph.

LYMPH IS LIKE THE SISTER OF BLOOD  Lymph is a purely transparent, sometimes milky white or slightly yellowish fluid which circulated through the lymphatic system. In total an average of 4 to 5 liters of lymph flow through a healthy person. Shockingly, a person with serious edema could hold an excess of 60 kg in contaminated lymph fluid!

The lymphatic system collects waste from parts of the whole body as the fluid drains into lymphatic nodes. These serve as protective biological filters for the whole body. They eliminate waste, water, and fats. A healthy lymphatic system is key to successful elimination of harmful chemicals, food preservatives, and excess residues of allopathic pharmaceutical drugs.

There are about 800 lymphatic nodes in the average adult person. The largest lymph node is the spleen! They can be divided up into several regions. One area being serving a protective and cleansing net for the head and neck, another group protect the upper limbs, and yet another group protect the chest, another the pelvis and finally one in the groin protects the lower limbs.

Lymphatic nodes vary in size, with the largest ones being about 2 cm wide. We are more aware of our lymph nodes when we are imbalanced or ill and they are being strained by angina, microorganisms, pathogens and infections. The specific nodes may also swell and become sore all over the body when our system is strained.

Some women may suffer from weight gain in the hips, thighs, or upper arms. These areas have many deep lymph nodes and when it stagnates in these spots the lymph fluid may bind with other fats, water, fungus, pesticide residues or toxins, and salts. For most women the excess accumulation of weight occurs in these areas because the lymph has poor mobility here. So, if you have difficulty losing weight it could be beneficial to discuss a solution with your health care provider.

Modern lifestyles for many are far more sedentary than our ancestors were. Through inactivity and the consumption of processed foods, GMOs, pesticides and herbicides, we have far more toxic residues in our diet than at any time in modern history. Our water sources have residues of hormones, pharmaceutical drugs, and herbicides. All of these modern toxins, combined with high amounts of non-specific stress combine to produce massive imbalances in our biochemistry. Stress itself activates cortisol (a hormone) and this over time will actually shrink your lymph glands!

Other strains on the lymphatic system include: acidic foods, contraceptives, gluten, and dyes/herbicides/toxic chemicals in our clothes, shampoos/deodorants and cosmetics.

Within the lymph itself if there is a buildup of parasites, microfilms, fungi, yeast, phlegm, or bacteria there can be excessive swelling. Finally, with uneven fluctuations in hormone levels which could occur in menopause, or with thyroid diseases we can see additional strains on the lymphatic system

When we look at more physical or structural causes of a poorly functioning lymphatic system we can consider scars, torn muscles and fascia, and surgery which has cut or impeded the flow of lymph as possible contributing factors. Excessive sports may also damage the body and impede proper flow of lymph fluid.

Treatment for lymphatic swelling could include lymphatic drainage massage, acupressure or acupuncture, therapeutic yoga and herbal remedies.  Wearing compression aides (socks), taking salt baths, showering with alternating hot and cold water, moderate exercise (swimming, yoga, Tai Chi), use of a skin brush in the direction of the heart, and improving one’s diet may all bring relief. I have personally found far-infrared saunas or moderate steam saunas with alternating cold showers has huge benefit for many. If there is an emotional, psychological, or familial component then therapy or distant healing and energy work can be useful.

Peter Farquharson. Practitioner of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncturist, Clinical Herbalist, and Integrative Energy Healer.