1. If you want your kids to eat broccoli, ask them if they want 2 broccoli stalks or 5, instead of just asking them if they want broccoli. This way you’ve already made the choice for them, but they’ll feel like they’re getting a great deal by choosing the amount of broccoli they want. You can expand this trick to other situations, too.
  2. To have a little fun with words, when having a conversation with someone, pick a word they say and then each time they say the word, or words close to it, smile, nod or give some type of positive affirmation, and watch them say the word all the time.
  3. Do you have a song stuck in your head that you’d like to forget? Think of the end of the song. According to the Zeignark effect, your mind tends to think of things left unfinished, so thinking of the end of the song will close the loop and allow you to get the song out of your head.
  4. To know if someone is interested in a conversation look at their feet, if they are pointing towards you, they are. If they are pointing sideways or any other direction, they aren’t.
  5. Ever get the feeling that someone is watching you, but you’re not sure? Try yawning and then glancing at your suspected stalker. If they yawn, then you know they’ve been watching you, since yawning is contagious.
  6. If you want people to take you seriously, tell them what you say is what your father taught you. People tend to believe fatherly advice inherently.
  7. Crack a joke and observe the people who are laughing around you. People who feel close to each other will be looking at each other. This is useful for discerning out friendships and other relationships.
  8. In crowded areas, look in the direction in which you intend to go and watch the walkway just open up. In busy areas and crowded streets, people tend to watch other people’s eyes to see which direction they will go so they can go the opposite way.