Root Soup & Tumeric: Muladhara healing foods

Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are masquerading around as foods and spices. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion-dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a spice that has been used for centuries. Specially incorporated in curries in Indian cuisine; we have learned about its amazing benefits in recent years here in the West.

Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are used this way, as spices in our foods.

Defined inn Ayurveda as having primary the bitter and pungent taste, it has many functions on the energy systems of the body and in low doses is known to be balancing. It is also disease preventive and used to treat disease.

But not only Ayurvedic medicine speaks of its benefits. The more than 600 benefits from this spice is backed by multi-million dollar clinical trials.

It is a medicinal spice so timelessly interwoven with the origins of human culture and metabolism, so thoroughly supported by modern scientific inquiry, as to be unparalleled in its proven value to human health and well-being.

Some of the most amazing, demonstrated properties include:

Preventing and Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease Associated Pathologies

Protecting Against Radiation-Induced Damage

Destroying Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer

Protecting Against Heavy Metal Toxicity

Destroying Cancer Stem Cells (arguably, the root of all cancer)

Reducing Unhealthy Levels of Inflammation

This is just a short list to prove the amazing benefits of this spice and how you can benefit from it. There are over 600 additional health conditions that this valuable spice helps prevent and treat.

When I first began exploring the spices that are the basis for these spice blends, I assumed they might function similarly to thyme where an extra “bit” might be better. I learned quickly with turmeric, less can be more.

The orange color in turmeric, squash, and sweet potatoes indicates the presence of carotenoids like beta-carotene which are potent antioxidants and fat soluble. Which means that you need at least half teaspoon of a fat like olive oil or ghee in the meal to properly absorb all the nutrients present.

Butternut squash and sweet potatoes are often made during the holiday season and as leftovers can be made into a lovely curry soup. Fresh ingredients can also be used.

Brazil nuts are a nice addition to the recipe but not a must. They add a wonderful creamy flavor and are rich in micronutrients like selenium.

Root Soup Recipe: Muladhara nourishing


3 small onions diced

2 leeks, washed, trimmed, and sliced

2 tablespoons fresh grated ginger

3 tablespoons organic olive oil or organic ghee

1 ½ cups butternut squash

4 carrots, peeled and sliced

2 turnips, peeled and sliced

3 parsnips, peeled and sliced

1 butternut squash, peeled and sliced

4 tablespoons butter or ghee

3 cups vegetable broth or chicken stock (your preference)

3 cups water

4 garlic cloves peeled and mashed

Several thyme springs, tied together

1 teaspoons turmeric

1 teaspoons ground cumin seed

1 teaspoons coriander

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Pinch of cayenne pepper

4-5 Brazil nuts that have been soaked for 2 hours in water

Salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in a large, stainless-steel pot and add onions, leeks, carrots, turnips, butternut squash and parsnips. Cover and cook gently about half hour over low heat, stirring occasionally. Add stock, bring to a boil and skim. Add, garlic, thyme, turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cayenne. Simmer, covered for about half hour until the vegetables are soft.

Remove thyme and puree soup with hand blender (if you have, if not, use a blender). Season to taste. If soup is too thick, thin with a little water. Ladle into heated bowls and serve with sour cream or yogurt.

A practical guide to Root Chakra (Muladhara) healing

After learning about what chakras are and where are located, their connection with our body organs, nadis and grantis we are left with wonder:

What can we do to help healing, aligning, balancing these chakras?

We are embarking now in an adventure to learn how we can aid to the healing/balancing of chakras with everyday things:

Things to do, things to eat, things to wear, things to smell, things to reflect upon, mantras to sing and kriyas to practice.

First, I would like to start with a comment on how you feel when your root chakra is not balanced or harmonized.

If your root chakra is not balanced, you will likely feel:

  • Lack of connection to people, friends, family
  • Not supported, insecure, not grounded, fearful, anxious
  • Lack of self confidence
  • Lack of will power
  • Lack of the “can do” force

What you do to balance/harmonize the root chakra Muladhara?

In everyday life:

  • Simple things like enjoying a relaxing meal with friends or family.
  • Being grateful for the things you already have, including family, friends.
  • Practice sports.
  • Take a walk in Nature (preferably barefoot, if possible).
  • Work in the garden.
  • Dance to the rhythm of music: drumming.
  • Wear red clothes, red gems, or objects
  • Surround yourself with flowers.

Burning incense is an important part of almost all the major religions of the world. Burning incense has become a key part of aromatherapy.

The following herbs and aromas support the root chakra Muladhara: cloves, rosemary, ginger, Vetiveria zizanoides, cedar, cypress.

Nourish yourself with earthy veggies:

Since the deficiency in Root Chakra is caused due to less interaction with the earth, whether directly or indirectly. You can add some earthly delights to balance your first wheel.

Add to your diet foods that are green and root vegetables and start over a restoration chapter. Some of the vegetables are:

  • Beets
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Radishes
  • Beetroots
  • Mushrooms

In the yoga:

Sing the mantra OE. Practice standing posture (grounding), bending over. All you can think that influences feet, knees, legs, pelvis, lower back, and tailbone. Practice Sat kriya.

How do we feel when our chakra Muladhara is aligned?

  • Insecurities start to vanish
  • A sense of braveness and self confidence.
  • We feel closer (even when geographically apart) to friends and family.
  • A more satisfying life and sex life.
  • Adrenal glands are less stressed.
  • Digestive system improves, no digestive issues.
  • Less susceptible to unhealthy addictions.
  • Awareness of our right to exist and accept our body in the physical world
  • A feeling of a well-founded and balanced life.
  • Perseverance even under unfavorable conditions and situations.
  • Ability to accept the necessary and respond in the right way according to the situation.
  • Value people more than things/possessions.
  • Your basic needs are fulfilled, and your material basis are guaranteed.

In our next post we will be sharing some recipes that incorporate foods that are known to aid heal this chakra. Stay tuned!

First Chakra: Root Chakra [Muladhara]

Some chakras play a more important role for us than others. For a singer or a teacher, the fifth chakra (located in the throat) is the most developed. A soccer player makes use of the first chakra which is body oriented. Each chakra can be strengthened, we will cover that in our following posts.

The First Chakra:

The first chakra is also known as the root chakra. In Sanskrit Muladhara, mula (root) and ahrara (support or base).  The development of this chakra begins when we are conceived; meaning it’s the first part of the body that develops in humans (and mammals).  Because of this, it provides a supportive foundation for the spine and other organs to develop.

Do you feel like your family and friends have abandoned you?

Do you feel you can trust only yourself?

Do you feel like you lack support?

Do you feel like your basic survival needs are not covered or are insufficient?

If your answer is yes to one or most of these questions, it indicates your root chakra is not spinning at a balanced rate.

What is the first chakra connected to?

The first chakra is connected to the adrenal glands, the area around the coccyx, the rectum, and genitalia.

Where is the root chakra located?

It is located near the 1st and 3rd vertebrae of the spine, in the perineum. Exactly where the three vertebrae fuse in a triangle, we know it as the tailbone. In males this chakra is in the area above the perineum or inside it, whereas in females, the location is the center of the vagina and anus. See number 1 (image below).

What color is the root chakra?

Muladhara radiates energy in red color. This is perhaps due its location, close to the earth element. The red color shows a reflection of the earth inner surface and core. Also, red is the color of energy and determination that stimulates the limbic brain which governs our survival instincts: flight or fight response, feeding, reproduction.

The red color also denotes how connected we are to the Earth. This means, how aware are we of ourselves. The more aware of yourself you are, the more aware you become of your basic needs.

What does the root chakra symbol communicate?

The four petals of the Lotus circle signify the four nerves (Nadis) merging at the root chakra.

The square inscribed inside of the circle signify a firm foundation to support the body.

The downward triangle points towards the earth and it is the home of the Kundalini energy. It also reminds us to be grounded and connected to the Earth.

The symbol in the center “Lam” is the Bija mantra. It is the seed mantra which has the power to stimulate Earth energy and the root chakra.


How do we feel when our first chakra is balanced and healthy?

If our first chakra is healthy and balanced, we feel safe and secure. A dysfunctional first chakra makes us susceptible to all sorts of problems, from money worries to a bad sexual relationship.

A strong root chakra feels like you are secure, and you are strong, no matter what’s going on in life, no matter how hard. For sure, we all get scared, afraid and feel shaken from time to time, but someone who has developed deep inner strength has found what yogis say is the ability to “Remain unshaken amidst the crash of breaking worlds.”

Also, you feel vitality and passion for life, in your personal affairs, your work, family and friends. You thrive at satisfying your survival needs, you feel connected with core values, you are balanced in logic and emotions.

What happens if your root chakra is overactive?

Although it may sound like a good thing, an overactive chakra makes you are overconfident. This could lead to disconnection from the Earth. You could become possessive and attached to things and being psychologically and physically rigid.

What could be the causes for a root chakra imbalance?

Childhood trauma, something you are afraid of, toxic relationships, abandonment, having felt or experienced poverty.

Is it possible to experience physical or psychological problems is my root chakra is imbalanced?

When your root chakra is imbalanced you might experience addictive tendencies, overindulgence, instant gratification seeking. Also, you could experience irritation, eating disorders, depression, money obsessiveness, migraines, stubborn behavior.

At a physical level, you might experience irregular menstruation, kidney diseases, pain in the feet, hemorrhoids, colitis, prostate cancer, constipation.

Because the root chakra’s location is the pelvic area, you might experience problems with adrenal glands, bladder, kidney, lower spine, hip flexors, leg joints.

The good news is that in our next post, we will be sharing how to heal our Root Chakra. Stay tuned!

Chakras: Spinning wheels

What are chakras?

The word chakra comes from Sanskrit. It means “wheel of light. Chakras are energy and movement.

Prana, the breath, life; in certain major parts of our body is constantly spinning to keep us active and alive. The spinning or rotating nature of Prana made these parts of the body centers of energy (Chakras).

Chakras could also be defined as a revolving wheel of energy that propels you through life.

Although the chakras are not addressed at school, they are just as important for your health and well-being as our physical organs. The main difference is that these organs are fully part of our physical body, while energy organs – which include the chakras – are at the interface between the tangible and the spiritual reality.

Let me tell you a short story about chakras in the 90s.

Back in the 90s, when I started studying Kundalini Yoga (KY), nobody really knew or heard about Chakras. I still remember asking my teacher what the chakras were, and I also remember going to some place where some guy was going to “align” my chakras. He did something with energy, but it was far from “activating” my chakras, I didn’t know it back then, I was learning, and I was only 17 years old.

Today, the concept of Chakras is closely attached to the energy. The energy within us, which is also manifested in the whole universe.

The Universe is referred to as a system of many elements acting or fused together to function as a unit.

According to Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism, just like the Universe; our body itself is believed to be made of five core elements Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Space.

Why are chakras important?

Chakras are important because they maintain the connection between the physical and the spiritual planes of our being.

Just as our body organs are part of your physical body, our energy organs (chakras), are the link between your inner spiritual reality and your tangible body.

A chakra affects not only the surrounding parts of the body but also a variety of emotional, mental, and spiritual processes.

The Chakras are located along the in spine; from the tail bone/coccyx to the top of the head. We will explore them one by one in future blogposts.

Chakras are gaining more and more recognition and popularity. I noticed it in social media as well as in the classes I teach. My students know or want to know about chakras and many KY series are specially designed per chakra.

Be ready for the kriyas “per chakra” sessions I am preparing!

Is Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini snake (energy) the same?

Is Kundalini Yoga and Kundalini snake (energy) the same?

The Vedic and Tantric writings, which are one of the oldest in the world, state that the Kundalini snake is curled up at the base of the spine when is asleep. It sits there, at the level of the coccyx until it is awakened. According to the Vedic and Tantric writings, the Kundalini snake is described as a pulsating light, red in color, that climbs up into our physical body.

When the Kundalini awakens, it climbs up along energy channels that are part of our energetic anatomy. Since energy is vibration and information, the Kundalini brings the energy of the body, mind, and soul in a movement.

Kundalini Yoga is a technology that allows you to experience Kundalini snake (energy) awakening.

The Kundalini energy moves initially through the energy channels that run along the spine; these channels are named Nadis. While this happens, the chakras “turn-on”, in other words, become activated.

When and while this happens, Kundalini energy passes three nodes or “Granthis” which are nodes in a canal. These nodes stored certain life lessons.

Once we have learned the lessons stored in our Granthis, the Kundalini energy can continue flowing its way.

What type of life lessons are we talking about?

It could be issues from the past which are stored in our chakras and could also form blockages there. As we allow emotions, question ideas, and face physical problems we have ignored; the Kundalini energy can continue its flow.

Where is the Kundalini energy going or flowing to?

When we work on being open to the lessons in our granthis and activate our chakras, we become aware of hidden problems and can tackle them easier.

As Kundalini eventually reaches the top of our head and penetrates the “crown chakra” we reach the state of enlightenment. This can be achieved by meditation and Kundalini Yoga practice.

7 chakras we usually know in yoga are located along the spinal cord. It’s so because the flow of energy along the spine is intensified due to the 3 main nadis Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna.

Each of the 7 chakras is represented by the lotus flower having a certain number of petals. In a chakra, the number of petals of the lotus flower shows different small Nadis (nadikas) meeting at that chakra. The vibratory sound of a particular chakra is determined by the intensity of Prana flowing through nadis forming chakra. And this sound is represented by a Sanskrit letter written on petals of a particular chakra.

Weird yoga or not? You decide

Would you be surprised to learn that lying flat on your back on the floor is a yoga pose?

Well, it is!

The common name for this pose is reclined mountain or corpse pose. Imagine that! A yoga pose that isn’t really odd looking, but the name for it is!

The Sanskrit label for this same pose is Savasana (shah-VAHS-anna) where sava is the word for “corpse.”

This is a restorative pose usually performed at the end of your yoga practice.  Check out the video and it minute 38:39 you will see how you already know and practice this comfortable posture:


Click here to see the posture at the end of this video class in Youtube.

This is a restorative pose usually performed at the end of your yoga practice.  Check out the video and it minute 38:39 you will see how you already know and practice this comfortable posture:


Strength and relaxation

Kundalini yoga (KY) is active and powerful.  When practiced regularly (2-3 times per week), it strengthens one’s endurance and perseverance. We have had several students reporting these positive changes.
The exercises in KY will develop strength in you and within you. It will  help you create a routine – a routine that distracts attention from the physical effort and focuses concentration on the mind.
If you continually challenge and maintain your practice, you will feel how your success creates experiences, and the sense of your own value is strengthened.

With the aid of exercise sequences, the muscles of the body are strengthened, the mobility improved, and body awareness trained. The breathing technique is also trained.
The physical exercises are completed with movement and mantra meditations, which stimulate concentration, inner stability, and tranquility.

We will explore more about mantras and meditations in our future Newsletters.

Thank you & Live Blessed!

5 Ways Towards Driving Away Negative Thinking

We all deal with the “problem” of our thoughts, which our mind produces, are mostly negative or belong to the past.

Seldom do we stop to “listen” to the thoughts we are producing. Experts say most of our thought are the equivalent of garbage thoughts.


Because almost all our thoughts are negative, detrimental, judgmental, condemning to ourselves and to others. If you think I am exaggerating or that it doesn’t happen to you, I kindly invite you to review your thoughts. There are many ways to go around this but we are going to hear, in this post, five easy steps to start incorporating.

Driving away negative thoughts doesn’t require as much effort, but it can be a pretty serious battle. You can’t just tell them to be gone, but instead, need to develop a longstanding strategy for driving them away and keeping them out for good.

1. Admit you have a problem. It can be downright impossible to do self-reflection on this topic, because we often don’t pay attention to our own words or body language. One helpful way to gauge our level of self-defeatist attitude and negativity is to create a chart with two sides. On one side, write down all you positive thoughts that day. On the other, write down all your negative thoughts. You’ll be amazed by how much negativity the average person keeps in their head.

2. Exercise. Getting your body moving is great for changing your mood and your thoughts. You don’t have to run a marathon or swim across Hudson Bay in Canada to make that kind of change… you can just step up, take a walk, do some jumping jacks, or dance. That’s right… dance. Try turning on your favorite music and moving and grooving for a few minutes; see if you’re feeling negative afterward.

3. Practice Gratitude. If making a list of your thoughts was the first step to recognizing your negativity problem, building a positive list could be the first step toward solving it. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Having trouble coming up with a list? How about your breath, your pulse, your sight, and all the other basic amenities we take for granted. Once your start writing your list out, you will find that it snowballs and fills your mind with positivity.

4.  Talk about it. Find a friend, family member, therapist, or helpful ear to listen to your problems without judgement, and without recommendation (unless you want it). One could also pray, journal, or craft an art project around your feelings. Once they’re out there, you’ll find yourself strangely (perhaps magically is a better word) unburdened of negative thinking.

5. Change your language. Take stock of the vocabulary and phrases you use regularly, as you did in point number 1. Eliminate negative phrases and words from your lexicon, and watch your thoughts change as well. You should also take note of your body language and posture. Avoid slouching, and above all, smile!

Kriya Meditation en el ser

En este video Dyan Navjot nos comparte una kriya para meditar en el ser. La parte del mantra, la puedes encontrar si copias/pegas este link: Recuerda ANTES de practicar la kriya debes abrir con el mantra ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO (X3) y luego hacer calentamiento, copia/pega este link: Si quieres tomar clases con Dhyan Navjot, sólo tienes que mandarnos un mensaje por Telegram o por Facebook. Escríbenos un mensaje en el sitio web para que te enviemos el libro Introducción al Kundalini Yoga gratis:​ Toma clases en línea en tiempo real: (Telegram) Visita nuestro Blog:​ Conecta por Facebook:

Conecta por Instagram: @abundanceflow #Kundalini​ Yoga, #KundaliniYoga​, #Meditación​, #MeditaciónKundalini​, #ClasesDeKundalliniYoga​, #Kundalin​ Yoga Clases #Numerología​, #numerología​ tántrica, #numerología​ kundalini

Tools for Self Healing from Hawaii

Whenever there is something inside that bothers me, I observe it, without judgement, breathing out that bad feeling that has appeared. I thank it for showing up, and then I let it go, for this, I keep breathing and visualizing how it leaves my brain, mind and consciousness. At the same time, I insert a simple yet powerful affirmation. Something like this:

Divine One (God), heal those painful memories and wrong ideas that are promoting this fear, this pain, this bad feeling. 

I am sorry, 

Forgive me, 

Thank you, 

I love you.

The last four phrases belong to a technique called Ho’oponopono. It needs to be understood that you the words are directed to your Subconscious, not to a specific person. Your Subconscious has absorbed thousands of memories from all times. This is what we are cleaning through this work.

There is quite a lot of information online about this Self-Healing Technique, most of it though it´s in Spanish.

Do you feel you have lost the magic ingredient of life?

Some people might call it  Motto. Basically is something linked with excitement, with motivation, with having goals and dreams.

Many people around the world have lost this magical ingredient. It is something that can happen to anyone and you won’t notice it until you feel depressed.

When you have something to look for, something to look forward to, we feel that we have a sense of purpose. This, together with feeling secure, feeling loved and happy are the basic ingredients for an individual to love life and achieve personal goals.

One of the things that perhaps most of us do, is to be attached to end the result, to the expectation of how something will be. This is something that makes us live in the future, not in the present. We seem incapable to do something and enjoy while we are doing it, we are most of the times just imagining how it will be when it’s finished. Most of the times, what this brings is dissatisfaction and frustration.

One way to balance things out is to be grateful for the things that we have, the things that we do, the little things that make you happy, be thankful for them. Make a list of all the good things that have happened to you, the things that we are grateful for along your life.

A second step into finding your motivation or purpose is to work your body and mind, kundalini yoga is an excellent source to deep dive into your inner self and discover through your new developed intuition and connection to your purpose in life.